
Sep 10, 2024 Congratulations to Kalvin Chang and David Mortensen for winning an Honorable Mention, Best Paper Award at the Interspeech 2024 Responsible Speech Foundation Models Special Session with their paper “Self-supervised Speech Representations Still Struggle with African American Vernacular English” (joint work with Yi-Hui Chou, Hsuan-Ming Chen, Jiatong Shi, Nicole Holliday, and Odette Scharenborg).
Sep 06, 2024 David Mortensen gave a CLSP Seminar at Johns Hopkins University.
Aug 14, 2024 Congratulations to Liang (Leon) Lu for winning the ACL2024 Best Paper Award (Non-Publicized) with his paper “Self-Supervised Neural Protolanguage Reconstruction” (joint work with Peirong Xie and David Mortensen).
Aug 07, 2024 :sparkles: ChangeLing Lab is officially born! :sparkles: (though it has long existed in fact).